This so called "Customer Service" hats are all hand made by Kenji Watabe.
Different varieties of hats are being created for each different individuals in numerous ways , such as sewing up a vintage emblem, shiny beads, chains, crystals and feathers...
These products are carefully and dedicatedly made , using the most concentration and balancing to create each new products.
Everything is Improvisation. There's no other hat that will exit in this world that will be the same as the one that you are holding.
First, The products were being held at C-PLUS HEAD WEARS,
later it was requested by "TRADING MUSEUM COMME des GARCONS", our new hat line-up were showcased in their store.
We are supported and loved by many talented musicians, actors and actresses, creative people in the industry .
この帽子は当初C-PLUS HEAD WEARSで展開されていましたが、のちにTRADING MUSEUM COMME des GARCONSの要望により同店舗で新作の展開を開始。多くのミュージシャンや俳優、デザイナーといった様々なクリエイティブな人達に熱烈な支持を受けています。

Stimulates ones identity by wearing the most eccentric hat ever, enlighten people's soul. If you feel like you need to unveil your inner strong identity , give me a call and I will always be at your service.
© 2017 by Fantastic Incorporated
K-Bldg 1F, 1-22-11, Shibuya, Shibuyaku, Tokyo, Japan Zip 150-0002 e-mail : k-watabe@c-plus,jp T&F : +81-3-5469-0666